The purpose of this page is to test a simple connection between the staging site for Samaritan Ministries ( and the sage payments gateway.
We are testing the integration method described in SageExpressPay.pdf which directs the user to a secure online form hosted by sage.
According to the documentation we should be able to create a request for testing purposes that is formatted like this:
<a href=” x=7.75&T_shipping=9.95″>Check Out</a>
When we create that request the endpoint returns the following error:
Your Session Has Timed Out and We are Unable to Continue the Process…
Example request: Sage Payment Test with M_id only
Per information provided in a recent support call we were instructed to add the additional M_key value. NOTE: This value is not listed in the required fields for Express Pay. We tried adding this value and the endpoint again returns the error:
Your Session Has Timed Out and We are Unable to Continue the Process…
Example request: Sage Payments Test with M_id AND M_key